MS Graduate Student Defense
Speaker - Markus Macnamara, Earth Science Seminar Title - Groundwater 14C Age and Tracer-Based Transit Time Distributions in the High Plains Aquifer, Nebraska Committee Chair - David Genereux Committee Members…
Speaker - Markus Macnamara, Earth Science Seminar Title - Groundwater 14C Age and Tracer-Based Transit Time Distributions in the High Plains Aquifer, Nebraska Committee Chair - David Genereux Committee Members…
The 2022 College of Sciences Diversity in STEM Symposium will be an online event the morning (9 a.m. to 1 p.m.) of Thursday, February 17. There will be 3 sessions,…
FRIDAY, Feb. 18, there is a Special Virtual Seminar from 12-1PM. The speaker is Arianna Soldati, MEAS - NCState, and she will be discussing Volcanoes in the Media, in cooperation with the NC Museum of Natural Sciences. This…
Speaker - Shannon Doherty, NCState, MEAS Dept. (hosted by K. Davis) Seminar Title - Quantifying phytoplankton, zooplankton, and microbial contributions to marine carbon sequestration In Monterey Bay: a compound-specific stable isotope…
Speaker - Cindy Lebrasse, Marine Science Seminar Title - Assessing carbon cycling in blue carbon habitats: A multidisciplinary approach using satellite remote sensing, a bio-optical model and hydrodynamic modeling Committee…
Speaker: Elizabeth A. Barnes, Associate Professor, Dept. of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University Seminar Title: Viewing Anthropogenic Change Through an AI Lens Abstract: Humans are vastly modifying the earth system, with identifiable…
The Graduate Student Research Symposium, held each March, includes poster presentations from more than 200 graduate students from NC State University. Posters are judged by faculty, and students receive recognition for…
Speaker - Mike Wetz, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi (hosted by C. Osburn) Seminar Title - Human & Climate-Driven Water Quality Challenges Affecting the Texas Coast Please see your email for a Zoom…
Speaker - Chelsie Bowman, Pennsylvania State University (PSU), hosted by E. Hyland Seminar Title - Thallium isotopes as a global paleo-redox proxy Please see your email for a Zoom link.
Registration is now open for the first annual MEAS spring symposium, which will take place in-person on Monday, April 25, in Hunt Library. The theme of this year's "MEASymposium" is (re)Connection.…