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MEAS Ph.D. Graduate Student Defense

Speaker - Venkata Sailaja Pappala, PhD, Earth Sciences Seminar Title - Geochemical and lithium isotopic insights to chemical weathering and associated carbon feedbacks in Alaskan and Himalayan proglacial systems Date -  Monday, June 26th, 9:00 AM, 1132 Jordan Hall.  Please see your email for a Zoom link. Committee Chair - Carli Arendt Committee Members -…

MEAS Department Seminar

Speaker - Brian Soden, ​AGU Distinguished Fellow, Professor, Univ. of Miami  Seminar Title - The Water Cycle in a Changing Climate (Virtual Only) A​bstract- Water covers two-thirds of the earth’s surface and is an unmistakable presence in the atmosphere above it. It forms clouds of various colors, shapes and sizes, it falls from the sky as rain or…

Ph.D. Graduate Student Defense

1214 Jordan Addition 2720 Faucette Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

Speaker - Joel Sanchez, Marine Sciences Seminar Title - Dynamics, Biogeography and Comparative omics of Microbial Communities in the Pamlico Albemarle Sound System (PASS) Date/Time - Friday, October 27, 2023, 9:30 A.M.  - 1214 Jordan Hall Addition & Zoom Committee Chair: Ryan Paerl Committee Members: Scott Gifford, Astrid Schnetzer, Gavin Conant

MEAS Department Seminar

1108 Jordan Hall 2800 Faucette Drive, RALEIGH, NC, United States

Speaker - Greg Tierney, EPA  Seminar Title - A Flexible Framework for Quantifying the Human Health Risk of Extreme Temperature Events Date/Time - October 30, 3:30PM, 1108 Jordan Hall and via Zoom Bio - Greg Tierney joined EPA as an ORISE fellow in April 2021 and currently studies the human and environmental impact of extreme…

M.S. Graduate Student Defense

2115 Jordan Hall 2800 Faucette Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

Speaker - Michael Gray, MS Marine Sciences Seminar Title - Long-term Prediction of the Gulf Stream Meander Using a Principled Neural Operator-based Digital Twin 2:30pm (EST) Friday, November 3rd, 2023 ~ 2115 Jordan Hall and via Zoom Committee Chair: Ruoying He Committee Members: Gary Lackmann, Elisabeth Brown, Ashesh Chattopadhyay

MEAS Department Seminar

1108 Jordan Hall 2800 Faucette Drive, RALEIGH, NC, United States

Speaker - Dr. Ivan Mitevski, Princeton University, (website) in 1108 Jordan Hall and via Zoom (hosted by W. Robinson)  Title - Asymmetric and Non-monotonic Response of the Climate System to Idealized CO2 Forcing Abstract - Many studies commonly assume linearity when investigating the climate system's response to CO2 perturbations in Earth System Models. The primary objective of this…

MEAS Department Seminar

Speaker - Matthew McLean, Assistant Professor, UNC-Wilmington (hosted by L. Hughes) via Zoom only. Seminar title - Unbalanced trait Selectivity in coral reef fisheries

MEAS Department Seminar

1108 Jordan Hall 2800 Faucette Drive, RALEIGH, NC, United States

Speaker - Sönde Johnsen, Duke University (hosted by T. Wolcott), 1108 Jordan Hall and Zoom Seminar Title - Bioluminescence and ultra-black camouflage in deep-sea fish Abstract - At oceanic depths greater than 200m there is little ambient sunlight, but bioluminescent organisms provide another light source that can reveal animals to visual predators. Transparency and mirrored surfaces-- common…

MEAS Department Seminar

1108 Jordan Hall 2800 Faucette Drive, RALEIGH, NC, United States

Speaker - Dennis McGillicuddy, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (hosted by Roy He), 1108 Jordan Hall and via Zoom.  Seminar title - Nutrient and arsenic biogeochemistry of Sargassum in the western Atlantic Abstract - The oceanographic ecology of pelagic Sargassum, and the means by which these floating macroalgae thrive in the nutrient-poor waters of the open…

MEAS Graduation Ceremony

The MEAS graduation ceremony will be in 1103 Hunt Library on December 16th at 1:30pm.