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Geospatial Analytics Dissertation Defense: Corey T. White

Jordan Hall 5103 2800 Faucette Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

Defense Presentation Title: Facilitating Civic Engagement in Rapidly Urbanizing Regions through Geospatial Participatory Modeling Co-Advisors: Dr. Helena Mitasova, Associate Director of Earth and Environmental Sciences Applications, Center for Geospatial Analytics; Dr. Ross Meentemeyer, Director, Center for Geospatial Analytics Abstract: Rapid urbanization and the increasing frequency of extreme precipitation events are leading to communities vulnerable to flooding and…

Geospatial Analytics Dissertation Defense: Katie McQuillan

Jordan Hall 5103 2800 Faucette Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

Defense Presentation Title: Linking Forests and Freshwater across the Southern Appalachian Forest Landscape Advisor: Dr. Katherine Martin, faculty fellow and assistant professor in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources Abstract: Forests act as natural water towers, provisioning freshwater downstream to support aquatic biodiversity and supply drinking water, agriculture and energy. Understanding how climate change…

Geospatial Analytics Dissertation Defense: Thom Worm

Jordan Hall 5103 2800 Faucette Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

Defense Presentation Title:The Role of Bridgehead Effects on the Global Spatiotemporal Spread of Invasive Insects Advisor: Dr. Ross Meentemeyer, Ph.D. Graduate Program Director and Director, Center for Geospatial Analytics