Matthew Miller PhD
I conduct research related to clouds and precipitation. I specialize in mining large remote sensing datasets (100s of TB) to distill new insights impacting weather and climate. I have particularly extensive experience with satellite as well as surface and airborne radar and multi-spectral passive microwave data. I have specialized experience in a variety of skills used in analysis of geospatial remote sensing data including image segmentation, computer vision, self-organizing maps, time series analysis, spectral analysis, feature tracking, and machine learning.
My major campaign field research experience includes serving as a Mission and Aircraft Scientist for the NASA IMPACTS project studying winter storms impacting the northeast US. I have also served radar scientist aboard the Ronald H. Brown during the 2008 VOCALS campaign to study marine stratocumulus in the southeast Pacific. I have also supported a variety of small field projects which has included serving as instrument mentors for Micro Rain Radar, a Multi-Angle Snowflake Camera, disdrometers, high-frequency pressure sensors, and other remote and in situ instrumentation.
PhD Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences North Carolina State University 2010
Graduate Certificate Geospatial Information Science North Carolina State University 2008
MS Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences North Carolina State University 2007
BS Meteorology North Carolina State University 2004